Saturday, March 5, 2011

a poem ...

this is the first time i considered writing it.. (well, if you can call it a poem!!) so here it is..

A mad rush, is the world beneath,
and she is almost a non-entity..
ah! all that is a hazy blur,
for, she is everything, vast and unbounded,
stretching on up to the horizon and beyond…

At one instant mild ochre, golden yellow the next,
and then a fiery orange, only to turn deep red,
a sudden smile, a merry laugh, a flash of anger, a dash of sobriety,
a psychedelic of colours…

What has passed, she remembers not,
what is to come, she knows not,
only a dream, a desire, that she yearns for,
a peaceful world, full of blithe and joy…

Black, grey, azure and yellow,
this changing of shades, alone is constant,
so is your life, uncertain,
but not to be feared, she tells me

Spread your wings, soar high in the liberated sky
fulfill your dreams, satiate your desires
and then come back to me,
I shall be right here, she tells me..


Ravi said...

Hmmm. Is this supposed to be from God's perspective? Sounds nice. You do mention way too many colors for me to process though. RGB and I am done!

Sumathi said...

Pappi - Super da.. Awesome piece of work dearie!

Kanna - Cartoon hai re tu.. LOLs :P

- Sumathi

Unknown said...

Yeah ..... uncertainity is what i got attracted to...... and the theory of acceptance needs to be remembered. It also reminds of, how foolish it would be to dwell only on manipulations..... FINE

Supriya said...

@ravi: its is actually about the sky.. and the last two stanzas are what the sky tells me..the same thing applies to earth also
@sumathi:thanks :)
@giriraj kumar dont think can ever address you without a 'sir' tag,
thanks for visiting the blog and for the comment sir..

S.Sreeja said...

Beautifully written:)something struck me when i read it for the second time today. Your description of the sky to be forgetful and a non entity is perfect.Bcoz sky is common to the entire world and it witnesses every event across the globe. But still she gets ready every morning dressed in the bright colours you had mentioned. Even after the terrible disaster that happened in Japan yesterday I could see her bright today.Thats why I agree to ur description.She is more like a silent observer like the old lady in Dhobi ghat u explained me the other day.

Supriya said...

@sreeja: beautifully put :) thats exactly what i meant.. i was staring and all of a sudden i was conscious of her vastness.. till then she was a non entity.. u know, like suddenly zoomin in one object!!