Monday, February 14, 2011

about cartoons and crying....

I still love coloured balloons, feel jealous when my mother pets my brother too much or makes pickles exclusively for my cousins, cry at the drop of a hat, petulantly argue with anyone who calls me a kid, love watching make way for noddy and Oswald, lick the last wisp of maggi off my plate and the sugar in the bottom of my coffee cup . I am scared of ghosts, snigger in the middle of a serious lecture and get pleased if someone gives dairy milk or just appreciates me or my work (which includes this blog too :)). So, does all of this amount to being kiddish .. yes. Is it wrong to be one when you are supposed to have grown up.. is the bone of contention.
I recently observed a cute thing. I made masala dosa one day at home and thought of giving my thatha some. My patti being very orthodox does not have anything made anywhere but in her kitchen. So she peered into it and intently watched thatha as he had it. He later said that he liked it, especially as the dosas were crispy.. my patti seeing he had liked it, started off about how easy it is to make it and explained the recipe the way she imagined it to be.. she declared that it was not a big deal on the whole and that if it had not been for her austerities she would always make it at home… what I found to be cute in this exchange was, she seemed to be slightly jealous that thatha liked something made by someone other than her.. She is 80 plus.. I did not get nettled, instead found it really cute!!
Just because one grows up need not mean that he or she should suddenly turn matured and never act stupidly. We all do funny things like a kid, so why is watching cartoons and crying for a melodramatic movie kiddish?? (so what if it is kiddish). Cartoons are the easiest way to get into a world where everything is a lot simpler. Toy land has a major problem if it is going to rain or a puppy goes missing. Noddy goes around searching for the pup or brings clouds in his helicopter. I feel like a kid when I watch and laugh for these little things. And why is crying a sign of weakness associated with children.. why can it not be just venting ones feelings.. btw, I recently found out that in shakespeare’s period it was a fashion for men to cry. And what is wrong with licking sugar off the cup (strictly at home) or being scared of spooky stuff.. well, if people can be scared of cockroaches why not something you have not seen at all..
No one can never really become fully matured.. it’s nice to have a childish demeanor,probably makes people young at heart like my mother (I loved it when she excitedly typed a smiley for the first time and clapped when she saw it animated on the screen) . It feels nice to just relapse into a world, where losing a pen or not getting to have cotton candy is the biggest problem.. cartoons and crying do not necessarily get rid of the existing tensions and worries.. but definitely help us face them with a lighter heart. So my conclusion, it is okay to be a kid (at times) :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

one of my favourite poems :)

Upon Westminster bridge- William wordsworth

Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This City now doth like a garment wear

The beauty of the morning: silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky,
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.

Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendour valley, rock, or hill;
Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!

The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

an evening in the campus....

Today happened to be the first java lab session I was attending for the semester. As the clock approached five I was already looking at the prospect of attending a programming lab with a good deal of irksomeness. My aversion to programming languages is because I don’t get it easily but well, I never admit it and argue that they are not one bit as good as biology(that’s actually true). So anyway, I ambled lazily to the computer science department and finally to the third floor, where I stood for a while relishing the picturesque view of the college and fields beyond. And finally two hours of whiling away the time, chatting, copying stuff.. and we were out.. My college as it is, never lets girls roam in the campus after six thirty and because of this readymade excuse, me and my friend decided to stall going in for a while.
We were both ravenous and decided to go to the canteen, where we greedily hogged crispy dosa with chutney and sambar. I then had this urge to go to the temple. I am not exactly a religious person and do not frequent to the temple or pray regularly. But somehow, there is this nice soothing solace that sets in whenever I go. So, we went to this little ganapathy temple that is in one corner of the campus and man, was it good! There sat mr. ganesha in a crisp white dhoti, adorned by red and white hibiscus. Beside him were a couple of other stone idols(I dunno who they are) who also likewise were in white dhoti . Some of the college boys totally unrecognizable in dhoti where chanting Vedas along with the pundit. After a very long time, I actually was able to summon the feelings of devotion today and prayed to God that everyone should get what they deserve (like they would’n otherwise). It was a bedlam of chirruping in the trees nearby. On a normal day I would not really enjoy it, but today it blended so well with the scene.. the blackish blue sky, the calm campus, chill evening breeze of the spring, dark trees, a small little temple, the chanting of Vedas and the birds chirping in their cosy nests !! I felt a strange, pleasant peace engulfing me as I walked back to my hostel.
And I realized, I don’t exactly have to go to Switzerland or Ooty or Kashmir to see the wonder that nature is. It is seen in all its splendour in every little thing around me.. the fluttering butterflies, the cuckoo singing on summer evenings, the setting sun in a shade of fiery red, the sun shining resplendently on the lustrous green fields, as its rays filter in through the tinted windows of my classroom, a lonely bus in the highway seen from my hostel window, the rainbows that stretch against the azure sky over the football ground after a brief raining spell, the smell of the moist earth freshly wet by that rain, the hazy blur that my campus becomes when it rains madly, the little lavender flowers and ochre buds in the bushes that stand on one side of the campus roads, the little flowers in a riot of colours, white, pink, shocking pink and yellow all over the campus, the rising silvery moon on wintry evenings, right over my favourite tree with dew drop like fragrant white flowers, in these does nature show her grandeur that leaves me mesmerized, speechless as it did today.. I almost feel like wordsworth as he stood admiring the London skyline at the Westminster bridge!! Ah,Life is so beautiful..